Introduction: - Many Clients have implemented SAC before the new Model was Introduced.To benefit from the new functionalities, they would like to migrate the same.Why we Migrate?To benefit from the extended functionality of the new model this migrati...
One of the best techniques to achieve code-to-data paradigm, allow developer to write more complex logic which is not possible with simple views in HANA. This helps us to squeeze the best performance out of HANA DB.This is DB programming language.SQL...
To take advantage of SAP HANA for application development, SAP introduced a new data modelling infrastructure known as Core data services. With CDS, data models are defined and consumed on database server rather than on application server.CSD Views a...
Inventory management deals with: -
Stock (Qty and value) of material kept in a plant for a customer.
Movements (Incoming and outgoing) of material from one place to another. Also called ‘Receipts’(Incoming) and ‘issues’(Outgoing).
When we talk ...
SAP BW/4HANA is SAP’s next generation data warehouse solution. It is entirely built on SAP HANA database. When customer wants to install SAP BW/4HANA, the question arises of which method is most appropriate. Generally, the “greenfield approach” (new ...
Hi Ricardo,I believe you meant you need to bring ACDOCU data to BW system.Current there is no standard datasource for the same and you need to create a generic extractor to complete your requirement.The extractor can be view based or function module ...
Hi Felipe,Thank you for the very nice blog.I have one question; can we do BW Modelling in BW Bridge? meaning can we create ADSO, Composite Provider etc in BW Bridge. BRPrem
Hi Lorenz,I have not seen any Record type as 9.I tried looking for the flow you have mentioned as I did not see record type 9 there.Please let me know if your issue is solved or you find answer for you question on the same. BR Prem Shanker
Hi Could you look into the below SAP Notes and see if your issue is same?3414081 - CompositeProvider activation fails with "invalid column name: " error