Hi @filipebst,good summary, there is also an old blog regarding the extensibility topic: https://community.sap.com/t5/enterprise-resource-planning-blogs-by-sap/sap-s-4hana-extensibility-simplified-guide-for-beginners/ba-p/13548988Might be interesting...
Hi Martin,regarding your second topic, check if the new feature will cover your need of exporting and importing through environments: "option for users to share their personalized My Home definition with colleagues, by exporting to a file, which e...
I hope you've already solved the issue.
Looks like the common library is missing.
If you're still using the SAP Web IDE you can right-click in the project: Project > Add Reference to Library > choose your Repository/System > choose your librar...
Hi Mickael,I hope you've already solved your problem...Nevertheless here are some useful links to your question:J2EE Adapter Module development using NWDIRegards,Pedro