Java EE gets adopted by Eclipse. More info: LINK.
SAP's stance:
The announcement of Oracle to handover stewardship of Java EE to the Eclipse foundation is a forward-looking process targeting future releases of the technology stack.
It does no...
The purpose of this document is help in cases where the JAVA Dispatcher/ ICM (Internet Communication Manager) leads to erroneous situations and more detailed investigation is needed.
The SAP Application Server JAVA dispatcher distri...
Here at SAP Active Global Support (SAP AGS) we constantly rece...
PurposeThe purpose of this document is help in searching for specific content in the SAP Netweaver Application Server JAVA for more information on a particular J2EE application. This can be a very tedious affair if many server nodes are configured an...
Check SAP KBA 1715441 , SAP KBA 2462712 and SAP KBA 2553568 before commencing any undeployment activity.
Hi, Hope you are doing good.Yes, we are aware of this cockpit bug. You can ignore this Cockpit UI error message/ it does not affect the actual functionality.It is caused by an internal program error and does not have an effect on your BTP cloud conn...
Hi Surya,Hope all is well.You need to check the IAS traces t see what is going on.On the BTP end, collect the Saml Tracer logs as per SAP KBA 2461862 - Collecting SAML traces with Chrome or FireFox.Reproduce the problem in the same browser session. T...
Good work Paul :-).
I am the author of the KBA 2637286 – How to get Audit Logs on SAP Cloud Platform Neo / Cloud that you listed. I have added a link to your documentation in the KBA.
Keep sharing!
Kind Regards,
Hemanth Kumar
HI,SAP NetWeaver 7.50: Mainstream maintenance will be offered through December 2027, extended maintenance will be offered until end of 2030. Please see:
Hi,Try telnet:SAP KBA ##2462712 - Deploy/undeploy set of EAR/WAR/RAR/SDA files using SAP Shell Console Admin via telnet Or use NWDS (you can add multiple SCAs)SAP KBA ##1715441 - Deploy/Undeploy/Force Redeploy EAR/SDA/SCA files on SAP AS JAVA