So far the SAP Cloud Connector has been supported for Java 7 and 8 (Details are available in the Prerequisites section in the online help). As Java 7 has been in use for many years now and having to support it prevents the use of Java 8 features w...
The SAP Cloud Connector is the endpoint of SAP Cloud Platform Connectivity in the customer On-Premise landscape. The cloud side is upgraded more often than the SAP Cloud Connector in general and specific customer installations in particular. Theref...
With the update to version 45.0.2454.85, Chrome is more restrictive on the use of certain ciphers that are used for HTTPS connections, when using cipher suites with DHE. It will block the connection and instead of seeing the web page you'd like to ...
So far the SAP HANA Cloud Connector is supported for Java 6 and 7 (Details are available in the Prerequisites section in the help site). As Java 6 has been in use for many years now and having to support it prevents the use of Java 7 features withi...
This blog is intended to inform about the latest available patch level of NCo. If new ones are shipped, also this blog post will be updated.
Patch level 3.0.26 of the SAP .NET Connector 3.0 has just been released. Please see note 3383519 for a li...
Hi @andrzej_rosinski, As you have now added more details about the JCoServer, in particular, that you are not using TLS, explains it. To my knowledge, plain communication is not allowed for WebSocket RFC from Steampunk systems. Simply try with a sim...
松村萌香さん、こんにちは機械翻訳を再度使用しています...この場合、一部の属性を持つトークンのみがわかっており、実際のユーザがバックエンドでマッピングによって識別されるため (存在している場合)、ユーザを識別することはできません。例について: 2 つの会社のユーザが API を呼び出している場合は、設定によって異なります。会社 A のマルチテナンシーアプリケーションユーザである場合、会社 A の企業ネットワークと、会社 B の会社 B のユーザになります。これが単一テナントアプリであり、最終的に...
Hello KSAI, JCo 3.1 is an SDK and runtime for Java applications that like to integrate via RFC with ABAP systems. How such an application is configured depends on the application. If you are planning to develop your own JCo based application, I think...