Hi all,I'm trying to create a restriction to prevent the deletion of master data. I want to ensure that certain users are not able to delete master data by mistake.Users should be able to create or display master data, but they should not be able to ...
Dear all,I am attempting to remove an outdated non-root attribute that contains null values from all assigned planning levels in production planning area. I would like to ask whether deleting a non-root attribute from a planning levels could potentia...
Hi experts,
If I want to reduce the number of key figures from the key figure list for an end user by creating or editing a planning view, are only the business roles decisive in determining which key figures (except for helper and generated key fi...
Hi experts,
I have implemented the scenario for integration SAP IBP with MS Teams using the model configuration guide. The connection from IBP to MS Teams works fine. I.e. the tasks, which are created in IBP individually or via the processes are vi...
Currently, a IBP user has to scroll and search entire excel planning view in order to check planning notes. Click on a planning notes, a planner can view/edit/delete only a single planning notes on the Details of Planning Notes Screen.
Is ...
Hello Brahmankar,According to the SAP document (Selection of Objects to be Displayed), the following objects can be displayed in the DS planning board:Single-activity resourcesSingle mixed resourcesMultiactivity resourcesMultimixed resourcesI am usin...
The new sales orders can be transferred again, after I have deleted all entries from the customizing "Maintenance View for CIFGPARAMS" TA CFC2. The default entry was User name = '*' and Logging = 'X'.
Hello,after reviewing the our trace logs, the cause of the failure of the operator was, we had data in the DDADJUSTEDADU and DDTOTALADU key figures, and we had records in Demand Stream master data, however, the Customer Group values in the Demand Str...
Hi Ivan, Thanks in advance for your response.
The one and only Business Catalog ID, I could find for DDMRP is SAP_IBP_BC_INV_DDMRP_PC, which is already assigned to the my business roles. As you can see below, the Business ID (SAP_IBC_BC_INV_DDMRP_PC...