Member since ‎2013 Dec 17

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  • 75 Posts
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Hello all. I have a problem with a binding expression in a column of a table (sap.ui.table). Currently my column points to a property of the first position of an array (results/0/cust_Date <Column> <m:Label text="Date"/> <template> ...
Hello everyone. In sap cloud platform, from a ui5 application, I am trying to access a Java application (deployed in different sub-account) through a destination. The fact is that launching the application from WEBIDE works fine (neo-app.json?)...
Hello everyone, do you know what can be the best way to handle roles within/from a sapui5 application? I want a user who is a division chief for example, can only see the employees of his division. I don't want to manage it by filters in fron...
Hello, I have problems to make a build with webide fullstack. It seems that the arrow operator that I use for promises Promise.all([fnfuntion]).then(function (values) {...}).catch(reason => {... web ide does not accept it. I was able to rem...
Hello, we have developed a sapui5 application packed with cordova with own plugins of cordova and kapsel. The ipa is generated for iOS version 10.3. It will run on a ipad air 2 The case is that the application crashes from time to time, in most cas...
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