Hi all,
I need one or two OVS for selecting a customer contract on the one hand and a sales order item on the other hand. In the `/SAP_BYD_APPLICATION_UI/fin/Reuse/AccountingCodingBlockDistribution_EC.EC.uicomponent` this is done by the OVS `/SAP_B...
Hi all,
how can I filter a `MeasureUnitCode`-List? E.g. I would like to offer only matching measure units for length or volume entities.
In the material OIF you can find the tap "General" > "UoM Characteristics". Here you can enter information ab...
Hi jravnik,thank you very much! After the long time I did not even expect that someone solves this problem. In the meantime I had solved it by workaround and created a new codelist. As described in the beginning, this is of course not a nice solution...
The questioner seems to be no longer active, but in case anyone else came across this problem, this is the solution: In the `DueClearing` business object you will find the node `ExplanationItem` within this node you will find the field `TradeReceivab...
Hi Josip,yes, there is still no answer for this question and I have not found a solution either. As a workaround I have created own code lists which have the same codes as the `MeasureUnitCode` list so that the codes are compatible. However, this is ...