Have you ever wondered how to enable Smart Variant Management for your custom controls?
Then you are lucky because this guide will show you how to do it!
Before we start let's have a look at the documentation on how to use the Smart Variant Manag...
Whether you are an experienced or a new SAPUI5 developer you are probably using the Hungarian notation by Charles Simonyi for declaring your variables using the official SAPUI5 naming conventions:
The Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers extension lets you use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment. It allows you to open any folder or repository inside a container and take advantage of Visual Studio Code's full feature...
Providing COVID-19 time series via @Sisn/cds
While staying a lot at home these days I was browsing through the many available COVID-19 related statistics and charts such this Visual Dashboard.
Most numbers you see on the news rely on the data provid...
Ever wanted to serve the OpenUI5 SDK from a docker image?
Just make sure you have Docker up an running so that you can build the image using this Dockerfile:
FROM nginx:1.15.8-alpine
david.kunz2 just came across this.So with latest @sap/cds (6.7.0 at this point of time) there is no official documentation for any "join" API:https://cap.cloud.sap/docs/node.js/cds-ql#SELECTSo is this still applicable / advised and safe to use?Thank...
peter.muessig really nice blog! I am looking forward to use this setup in my next project!With all of this being available now, there is only one last piece missing:How to include Babel Polyfills in case one want to use e.g. async… await or newer Ecm...
Hi Marius,thanks for your comment.With TypeScript and Transpile support for the UI5 Tooling on the horizon it is finally about time for UI5 developers to embrace modern JavaScript features and take their coding to the next level.Let's see about the ...