Member since ‎2004 Feb 29

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Hi Experts, i am developing custom CAP microservices that are used by a SAPUI5 app. Using the fiori tooling and deploying this apps to SAP BTP CF, the tools generate mta.yaml artefacts to handle XSUAA Token Exchange via destination, see This...
I am referring to URL: https://cap.cloud.sap/docs/guides/databases?q=data+csv#providing-initial-data Please get back to me on the following feedback: For performance reasons, I am trying to import formerly exported/converted sqlite3 mock data(g...
Hi SAP, trying to optimize and find a caching strategy for a custom SAPUI5 app, that is running in SAP BTP without using a central launchpad and the managed app router, but beeing delivered from HTML5-app-repo is currently quite hard! Also SAPUI5...
Hi,with the update from 2020-01-28 the SAP SCP Launchpad uses 1.86.0, my cap fiori app using Draft model throws error while navigating from listreport to objectpage! Fehler beim Anlegen der Sicht. (EN: Error while creating the view)<br>Cannot read...
Hi,playing around with CAP i ran into an issue, that i was not able to use a textual representation for my entity Identification. This issue is reproduceable inside CAP fiori sample: https://github.com/SAP-samples/cloud-cap-samples/tree/master/f...