Member since ‎2014 Nov 19

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  • 65 Posts
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Not again! This happened last year, I finally got HXE last year after 2 months of trying, I am trying to get the latest HXE, and once again get this message when registering: Sorry Your request for information is being reviewed. Once approved, ...
I just noticed that the Transact-SQL join syntax is support in HANA: select a.* from table a, table b where =; I also see that the outer join syntax (*=) is not supported. Can anyone point me to the documentation for this? I have sear...
There are several articles in this blog space dealing with Table Pivoting, A recent article, universally titled Pivoting Data with SAP HANA, demonstrates a Python programming interface which uses Data Frames and the hana_ml machine learning library. ...
The SQLScript Reference Manual for HANA contains a description for using resursive logic within procedures and functions. Recursion in procedures has a limitation that sets the maximum call depth to 32. I ran across this as I was rewriting some datab...
I am building a HANA version of an accounting system for an electric power grid. The design comes from a legacy system which has been in operation for over 40 years. The system stores MWh power output readings for 250 generating units for 77 power pl...