Member since ‎2021 Feb 24

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  • 29 Posts
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Hi, I have a scenario in one of our project where we are using SAP Build Apps for our development. We want to send an email from SAP Build Apps itself. How can we do that?Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,Vipin
Hi,We have one scenario in our project where we are facing one issue with @sap-cloud-sdk/mail-client. We have followed below blog to send email from SAP CAPM project.Connecting On Premise Mail Destination and Sending Email Using SAP Cloud SDK JavaS...
Hi,I am trying to call a simple BAPI (BAPI_USER_GET_DETAILS) using SAP IRPA. But It's getting failed while setting up connection to SAP GUI System. I have provided the below details. I have taken Message Server = Application Server of SAP sys...
Hi,We have scenario where need to upload files to Fiori app, and we found an activity in IRPA named as “Uploads File”. Pease find URL for Activity detais
Hi,I am trying to execute some commands in Command prompt using Run Program activity of cloud studio reference to below blog- SAP Intelligent RPA 2.0: Execute command activity Using this activity bot is able to open the command prompt and also a...