Is it possible to use SAP Analytics Cloud Data model as a source for other front end tools?
Specifically , SAP Analytics Cloud Standard data models on SAC Reports/User statistics to be exposed/available as a source to Power BI.
This requirement h...
Hi all,
In SAC Catalog, if a user does not have rights to a report, she gets the "Request" button/option for requesting rights. Can this be turned off? (on a global scale for all reports in all catalog OR report by report).
Which role permission ...
In SAC, if I have 5 planning user licenses and create a team and put 10 user_ids/people in the team. Add the team to have access to the intended planning role (5 planning licences for all planning roles together),
have I exceeded my license quota? ...
Our BW is within S4HANA, embedded, not a separate box. We have DHS100 and DHS300 as our clients in S4HANA.
So we do changes in DHS100 like build/change BW objects (we obviously create/edit objects using HANA studio DHS100) and use RSA1 for accessi...
Business objects 4.2 Analysis for office (AO) issue. BO on CDS views.
BO 4.2 SP9 Patch 6.
A specific user faces an issue that when she clicks the AO reports via thin client, the file downloads but instead of opening in excel, it opens in MS word....
changed the BWADMINA table entry is 100. But still can't work in DHS300 (Error says work in DHS100). Additional info : This was working before SAP upgrade of our S4HANA development system we performed recently.DHS100 BW within S4HANA , we used RSA1 f...
Hi Nikhil,I have a similar issue. But in my case the same CDS view sources 2 Live Connection SAC data models. So both models have same structure , only things they are 2 separate models (one is the copy of other but their connections are different.)C...
Thanks for response.Do you have link to share where the internet facing concept is elaborated? Do you mean the CDS view to be exposed to internet? because we get the datasource access error via mobile app?I did find some blogs on tunnel connection wh...
Additional Info:Our ODQMON doesn't show any requests for any of the flows / subscriptions (not only concerned). Even we take a delta , nothing shows here. Subscriber is logged as QA'Y'00CLNT. It was QA'X'00CLNT before the conversion. Now expectedly w...