Brief overview of BAPI_PRICES_CONDITIONS: is the unreleased BAPI and deficient in many aspects as there is missing documentation and also the BAPI has structural defects. This BAPI fairs not so well when compared to VK11 BDC updates [ or other appli...
Condition table generation in SAP for non key fields.
Condition table generation in SAP is used across applications in SAP. The current blog post refers to pricing usage A in application area V (Sales). We use V/04 to create different keys for our ...
Hi, Making my first example try for FMS 2.5 ( Fashion Management Solution) on day1. I found that MRP live does not work for variant (configuration) materials if it is produced inhouse. It works well for external procurement. Attached is MRP live resu...
Hi ,I came across the below statement in one of the sample ABAP codes. I could not understand the bind variable @how is this bind variable @ different to traditional work area target?DATA ls_bupa_reminder TYPE ty_bupa_figure.SELECT bp_id, co...
Thank you so much for the blog. It fixed my issue .
Additionally run this command as well to reorg all tables
use NPL
select "reorg rebuild " + name from sysobjects where type = "U"
Hi Sandra,
I don't have these inconsistencies with the sample code which is why I would like to put it out there and for SAP to revisit a better solution. Yes, SAP themselves admit they don't have a better BAPI as yet and that is reflected in my con...
I wrote a code that can handle overlaps. This can be helpful.FORM f_uploadprices . CONSTANTS: lcon_tcode TYPE tcode VALUE 'ZPRICEUPLOAD', lcon_name_sarea_curr TYPE rvari_vnam VALUE 'SALESAREA_CURR', lcon_name_uom TYPE r...