Member since ‎2009 Jul 14

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Hi,I have a larger formula code from a 3rd party supplier I use in a normal CR formula. This works well.This formula contains the line "Option Loop 10000000".According to you help : "The Option loop statement can be used to specify the maximum number...
Hi,I'm using CR 2020 designer SP4, the report engine is CR VS 2010 SP 34.When designing a report and you place a box (see gray box below) that starts on a suppressed Report Header:then, the suppress formula of the box itself becomes ignored.If the re...
Hi, I'm using CR for VS SP34, the local printer is a "HP Color Laserjet Pro M452nw" (with the latest driver). When printing with POC (_crystalMainReport.ReportClientDocument.PrintOutputController.PrintReport(_pocReportOptions) ) to the HP Printer...
Hi, CR2020 SP03 does no longer save the suppress-formula of f.ex. a new text object. If you write a formula and save it, the button becomes red: Close the format editor and reopen it, the suppress formula disappeared (x-2 no longer red). Rep...
Hi,We have one customer where the fact of opening the preview window or clicking on the print button in the viewer inside our ERP program crashes the program. This happens sporadically.Sometimes it's an APPCRASH without any message, the event log s...