Hi everyone,
as SAP is only considering new developments, improvements and even bugfixes (!) that got enough votes on customer influence, please take some minutes and vote for needed features
SAP B1 customer influence
As a B1 developer myself...
Hi,I stumbled over an odd behaviour and was wondering if someone has an idea how to workaround :I want to add a new business partner with a corresponding contact employee using regular UI features. So I added a form with ObjectType "2" and DBDataSour...
Hi everyone,I am experiencing an annoying behaviour ( bug ? ) when using VS template and working with the framework features for editing system forms. In general I am not a big fan and try to avoid it. But here I stand and find myself puzzled how to ...
For me it was always kind of weird that I have to use an additional software to connect to B1i webdav ( like XmlSpy or Netdrive ). Unfortunately it didn't seem possible to work with Win 7 (64bit) only. I ended up using Cyberduck ( an open source clie...
Hi experts,we encounter some problematic behaviour in a producive environment with 45 clients. After starting 4 custom addons the "sqlserv.exe" 16 - 20 TCP IP connections are opened and stay opened as long as the client+addons are running.The addons...
HI Nicola,I openend the original ticket with SAP, but provided them more information. For example the number of columns and fieldsize is also having an impact. There is no pattern, sometime you add a column and the record add is fast again.Only viabl...
Hi Jan,identify such issues is always a hard task. If the error is reproducible - meaning same transaction always leads to same outcome - you may be able to find the cause easier,If not, and your text suggests that, you have to dig deaper. First step...
Hi,are you running a on-premise or a cloud version?For the first, there is a setting in 'b1-local-machine.xml' (Enable UIAPI Default Connection String). For latter check note 2989170.best regard,maik
Hi John,since nobody answered, I try to..You can establish a B1 DI API connection by using all kind of languages. Basically you need to be able to call COM objects. This said, almost all information / help / documentation is .NET C# and some VB.NET....
Hi Mario,you are using Postman and it is trying to validate the self signed certificate of Service Layer, this is not working. You have to disable certificate validation ( Settings - General - SSL certificate verification ) - or use a non-self signed...