Member since ‎2011 Oct 27

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I have a JSON string: { "apple": { "amount": 8, "name": "apple", "price": 1 }, "pear": { "amount": 4, "name": "pear", "price": 2 } } How do I parse it so that I get output like this: ...
While using SQL Anywhere and I encounter an error on a production server that connection property LastReqTime is earlier by 5 to 15 minutes. In some cases LastReqTime is even earlier than LoginTime. select * from sa_performa...
Title kind of says it all, here is a sample query: BEGIN DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE tmp(id INTEGER, val VARCHAR(20)); SELECT * FROM sys.syscolumns WHERE tname = 'tmp'; END; Any ideas?
A sample query from SQL Anywhere documentation with added @mp:xmltext: SELECT * FROM OPENXML( '<Employee xmlns="" EmployeeID="105" GivenName="Matthew" Surname="Cobb" Street="7 Pleasant Street" ...
I have this sample query: SELECT 1 AS tag, null AS parent, row_num AS [enc_obj!1!row_num] FROM sa_rowgenerator(1, 2) ORDER BY 3 FOR JSON EXPLICIT; I get this as a result: [ { "enc_obj": [ ...