Member since ‎2012 Nov 16

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  • 47 Posts
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Dear Community, I'm trying to successfully onboard to the SAP Build Work Zone (advance edition), but I'm struggeling with the Configurator. Everytime I try to set up the Environment using the default domain tpe, it is saying "Could not set up the env...
Dear Community,many CDS Based Applications have implemented a SmartLink that allows you to navigate to a related application.E.g.: the CDS View 'C_SchedgAgrmtHdrObjPg' which is showing the Details in the MyInbox for approving scheduling agreements.  ...
Dear Community, I'm wondering if this is something that can't be done still? How did you manage to administrate the Platform User via IAS? Is IPS the only option here? Found the following SAP Note about this topic. BrMarvin
Dear Community, I'm using the IPS Transformation to provision the users from IAS to SAP BTP which is working fine. But I do have an issue with the user name which I would like to have upper case written in the BTP. In IAS its already written i...
Dear Community, I would like to use the IPS to provision users and group assignments in the BTP subaccount via SAP BTP XS Advanced UAA (Cloud Foundry). Is it possible to assigne more the one Group (RoleCollection) in BTP based on only one group a...