Hi experts,Does anyone know for how long time the SBAP Workflow logs are stored?Is there a time limit where the logs are automatically deleted?RegardsMauricio
Hi fellows,I am not sure about the recommend landscape setup for SBPA.Due to the fact that now, Business Rules are "embbeded" inside the Project, it looks like that the recommed setup should be one single subaccount for Dev/QA and Production.But cons...
Hi all,
One of my customers sent me a question regarding the number of connections that was billed to him:
BTP counted 9 connections, but he has one Agent running in one VM and one Automation Project in SBPA only, I understood that every Agent...
Hi all,One of my customers sent me a question regarding the number of connections that was billed to him:It was counted 9 connections, but he has only one Agent running in one VM only and one Automation Project in SBPA only, I understood that every A...
Hi @ayechan ,You will need to implement a "loop" in your flow, implement a counter to store in wich approval level your flow is, because you have 2 approval levels, unless you what to duplicate everything, in that case the loop in the flow will not b...
Hi @EsmeeX ,Thanks for the blog, this new Script Task Editor will be very handy for us pro code developers that are using the tool.The only thing we are still missing now is a way to threat API call error, a "try catch" element, that is something tha...