SAP Stammtisch
By joining an existing SAP Stammtisch, you can find like-minded people, connect with them, and share thoughts about current topics. Find out more about the event SAP Stammtisch in this post.
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    SAP Stammtisch

    São Paulo - SAP Stammtisch 8.8.2024 18:00 BRT #sapcodejamslatam

    The local SAP Community in São Paulo has a chance to meet after our first of two local SAP CodeJams!SAP Stammtisch in São Paulo will happen on August 8th, 2024 at 18:00 BRT for a few hours, so join us and be a part of our Group!  You don't have to be...

    Tatu Bola - Engenheiro Luís Carlos Berrini Avenue, 685 - Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brazil

    • 3 replies
    • 4 kudos
    • 11 attending
    SAP Stammtisch

    SAP Stammtisch Sydney Aug '24

    The next SAP Stammtisch Sydney event will take place on Monday 19th August, so keep it free!Why a Monday?  Because it is a special event to coincide with the SAUG National Summit (the SAP Australian User Group Conference). Many of our number will be ...

    • 0 replies
    • 1 kudos
    • 2 attending