Hi Paul,Thanks for your message. I will be happy to share any experience on CDC.If you didn't saw it already, you should read this blog from Simon Kranig about CDS based data extraction delta handling. It is very detailed, about CDC delta handling.Be...
Hi Frank,
Thanks for your answer.
Your messages made me realise that expecting realtime on a date generic delta clealry make no sense. I was trying to reuse an existing datasource, but this scenario is not relevant.
I tryed the Addition of the det...
Hi Aaron,
Thanks for your help.
I do confirm that it is an Abap CDS view based extractor, not a convertted one (see code on my previous answer to franck).
Our HANA version (source system) is, and the SAP APPL componet is (S...
Hi Frank,
Thanks for your feedback.
Here is a simplifyed example that I created for testing purpose :
@EndUserText.label: 'CDS View - RC Details'
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZBW_RC_TEST'
@AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
Hi Franck,
Very interesting blog, thanks for sharing
Trying to implement a real-time data extraction with and ODP_CDS, I'm stuck at the very begining :
As far as I understood, all ODP_CDS datasources are supposed to allow realtime extraction, p...