Hello Experts!I have a question to the number of decimal places in the field PO Quantity in the transaction ME21N. I'm using a unit of measure which allows only one decimal place. This is maintained in the table T006 in the field DECAN. Unfortunately...
Hi experts!I'm using the cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code method to set a new ok code within an event handler for a toolbar function (cl_gui_toolbar). Unfortunately it's not possible to set the function type of the new ok code, like 'E' = Exit-Command. Th...
Hi Experts,I have a really difficult question. I'm trying to find some information how to mark fields of a column in the ALV (cl_gui_alv_grid) as requierd fields. It's not neccessary that alv does check whether the field is filled or not. It's impor...
Hi,I have a toolbar in a custom container with some buttons and separators between them. Corresponding to the current mode (change or display) I want to display or hide the save button and a separator which isolates the save button from other buttons...
Hi,is there a standard functionality for unecaping of HTML entities in ABAP? I have a string which contains for example "<". I wont convert it to "<" character. There is a method ESCAPE_HTML in the class CL_HTTP_UTILITY, but there is not any metho...
Hi geff,The Integration Extension Pack provides solutions for integrations with external systems and services. These solutions are delivered in form of extensions for SAP Commerce Cloud. There is no separate license required for them. Although they a...
Hi,The documentation seems to be quite clear about that."Data is stored in the Consent Vault for up to 7 years (up to 84 months).""The vault captures user actions related to consent of the following types of documents and interactions: Terms of servi...
Hi Boris,At the moment, the only available option to get the logs out of Commerce is to connect to the Azure Blob via API. I also do not see anything on the roadmap that would change that in the near future.Kind regards,Viktor
Hi Oscar,That should be possible. Datahub and Cloud Integration can be used at the same time. Also, a step-by-step migration should work.You can enable the customer replication on the Cloud Integration and disable it on the Datahub. However, potentia...
Hi Stuart,I believe a good start is to look at the SAP Commerce Cloud documentation. Following are a couple of links that should help you further:https://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_COMMERCE_CLOUD_PUBLIC_CLOUD/51e73d14aedc487384e4518b60a1f5fd/2978af7252c44...