Hello all !
What is the difference between Cloud Platform Workflow Vs business workflow built from SWDD transaction in ECC like systems ?
Hello all ! We are upgrading from portal 7.0 to 7.4. Our back end remains ECC 6(EHP 6). When leave is applied from portal 7.0, the workflow WS12300111 is getting triggered. However, when leave is applied from porta...
Hello all ! I've a condition step type in workflow. The condition is as follows : &ZBUS2011.REQ_TYPE& = 0001 AND &PLANT& = X The containers in workflow log is populated with required values. However, the ab...
Hello ! I've created a start form in "Basic tab" as seen below : Due to some reasons, I want to delete it. When I attempt to delete, it is not happening so. Please suggest for deleting itRegards,S,Suresh.
The details of object relationship can be found in tables like HRP1001(field OTYPE).No need to concatenate O with organization ids. If you want the notification/work item to be sent to all in an organization, assign the organization id by choosing "O...
Kindly check whether the background job for deadline is scheduled.Check especially the second link suggested by Raheel:https://community.sap.com/t5/technology-blogs-by-members/deadline-monitoring-with-e-mail-notification-in-po-flexible-workflow/ba-p/...
To rename the attachment link, first it has be checked how the attachment link is populated.For example, it can be via default method(mostly from DISPLAY method) or via function module like SO_DOCUMENT_INSERT_API1 used for creating attachments etc.Co...
US is the object relationship like O(organization), S(position), C(job).In your case, US should have been concatenated with SAP user id and should have been written into the container G_EMPLOYEE using CONCATENATION statement or chaining operator(&&)/...