While trying to adjust the theme for customer specification. I am running into SAPCONTRAST classes that are overriding the changes standard sapM classes.
There is no easy way to fix this using standard options. The only way is CSS that I don't want...
While trying to make changes to the UI5 theme using the theme designer, I am facing issues with TNT classes.
- There are no properties in the expert tabs that point to any TNT classes.
Also finding issues with unified shell classes. O...
Have been asked several times over the years what is special about FIORI? What is good about SAPs venture into open UI space with UI5? I have been giving the similar answers to pretty much everyone, with a different flavor depending on their knowledg...
While Importing an EPA of PCD to our live system, got the following errorImport failed.[XfsContext.getChildAtomicName] Object is not unit internal: THIS SHOULD NEVER OCCUR!! Occured at "portal_content/com.bhi.BakerHughesContent/com.bhi.bhos.pcd.BHOS_...
If you are not using FLP as your entry point, then you have to have a page with top section containing the required elements. Theme designer is designed by default for FLP and the required settings for TOP SECTION are for specific sections of the FLP...
Interesting view. However just trying to understand better.What exactly is this preload of libs doing? is it restricting the load to only sap.m libs? what are we losing by specifically mentioning sap.m in libs load?If you look at the second screensho...
however informative, but I think you are changing the Text Background color and not cell background. This sort of leads to rest of the issue. to Ensure this works, I have to set the width of text as 100% always, we need to figure out a way to change...
Thanks for taking time Sharath, This is not a cache issue. The issue is not about interference, issue is there is no way to change TNT classes from Theme designer expert / standard tab.