Clinical trials are essential, but unfortunately only 14% of all drugs in clinical trials are successful. SAP is working closely with its partners and customers to utilize technology to help the many stopgaps that could terminate a clinical trial. O...
Authors: Rebecca Truscott, Salucro Healthcare Solutions and Bruce Magill, Director of Business Development, Global Strategic Healthcare Partnerships at SAP
Market survey data has shown that patient acquisition and loyalty increasingly is impacted by...
Author: Maia Surmava, CIO, Discovery Health
South Africa’s Discovery Health has teamed up with SAP to develop a digital health ecosystem that improves the patient experience by delivering relevant, personalized information throughout the course of a...
Now more than ever clinical trials are important, regardless of this clinical trials face the same supply chain challenges as the whole life science industry. Added onto this, clinical trial processes are disjointed and lack visibility into the end-t...
Author: Pankaj Sali, Principal Consultant, SAP Life sciences, Infosys Ltd.
Imagine if someone had terminal cancer and he could have medicine created specifically for him that would provide exactly what his body needs to heal. It’s possible, and i...
Absolutely! The healthcare portion of the agenda will include personalized medicine, as well as within the sports portion when they cover SAP Injury Risk Monitoring system. This system tracks individual players health during play to help the player a...
Great article Sarah! Like you, I took an internship during my time in college which helped me get the experience I needed to get my first job out of college.