After the roll-out of the new Code-OSS-powered SAP Business Application Studio (see liat.borenshtein's post), 'less' seems to be missing from the terminal:
Is there a way to get it back?
Read data from a gSheet into a SAPUI5/Fiori app, using the identity of the user who interacts with the application.
Use the Google GSI library to obtain the Google API access token.
Proxy the Google library via the app router (xs-app.jso...
In order to reach the business rules service, configure the managed app router with a 'service' and 'endpoint'
"service": "",
"endpoint": "rule_runtime_url",
route in 'xs-app.json', instead of a 'destination' route.
Complement the Java example on the SAP help page 'Consuming the Connectivity Service / Using the TCP Protocol for Cloud Applications' with a Node.js example.
Keywords: 'how to use the SAP BTP CF connectivity service SOCKS5, TCP proxy from a Nod...
Custom implementation of cTMS API for GitLab
Under the control of SolMan Focused Build, performs GitLab actions to execute release and deployment to QAS and PRD
Problem statement
Focused Build provides satisfactory management of the appli...
Dear Tom and colleagues!SAP support has kindly configured our enterprise CA certificates, and I can happily report that -they work!Accessing with our enterprise-issued client certificate ...
Dear Tom! That would be great. We also have requested the configuration of our IAS instance with our custom CAs. As soon as that's done, we can test. I hope I won't forget to report the results here. Best regards, Laszlo
Dear Tom!
Thank you very much for sharing this throught-provoking blog post!
May I ask:
Do you think this would also work with certificates issued by custom CAs, configured according to 'Configure X.509 Client Certificates for User Authenticatio...