When trying to load data into SAP Hybris Marketing via CUAN_IMPORT_SRV service, I get an error saying:
Method 'IMPORTHEADERS_CREATE_ENTITY' not implemented in data provider class.
Please find in the answer below some insights.
! Disclaimer ! This blog only replicates the information from the SAP Note 67739 as of March 9th, 2018 - further updates may apply.
SAP defines the priorities for incidents (reported problems/issues/bugs/inquiries/etc.) as follows:
1. Very high:
Dear community,Is there a way to lazy-load a part (2 columns out of 5 total) of the table in sapui5?If possible with a FIORI Template Table Control.Use case:let's say I need to display a table with First Name/Last Name/Score1/Score2/Birthday in this ...
Hello everyone,Has anyone ever seen/developed a Fiori UI for comparing 2 Objects(Entities). A classical example would be comparing 2 Products, i.e. TVs (Fernseher | SAMSUNG Deutschland). Mobile/Tablet usage for such an UI is irrelevant at the momentW...
Hi Mark,using the API_MKT_CONTACT_SRV; Version 4 would be a valid option.Also, if you can map a DEBMAS message to the BuPa SOAP Service (and if needed, the KeyMapping Service) - this would be a valid option. I personally would recommend starting eval...
Hello Tobias,messages cannot remain "In Process" forever. If a blocking situation occurs (as on your screenshot), the system will try to reprocess a certain number of times and will then move it to "Error". Alternatively, after 3 days, it will also m...
Dear Tobias,we have already fixed and enhanced this - the fix will be deployed with a next hotfix collection.We'll then concatenate all four names for corporate accounts. (The result is potentially longer than 80 chars and will be shortened then; in ...
Hello Tobias,a short comment concerning your first point.Please be aware that our SAP DATA PROCESSING AGREEMENT FOR SAP CLOUD SERVICES stipulates that no personal data shall be stored in a non-production environment (Q tenant). Therefore a P-to-Q co...