I'm playing arond with the BPC live API of SAC at the moment. I would like to write text + variable values to a popup. So basically this sounds very simple but does not seem to be because typecasting seems to be way more difficult in SAC script than ...
Hello,due to the fact that there is not so much information available concerning the optimization for HANA I would like to share some experiences. First of all this is an example. There are different ways to get good performance in HANA in combinati...
In the versions AO 1.4 SP13, AO 2.0 SP 4, AO SP 1 there is a new feature for hierarchical display in columns available.This setting is described in 2147448 but up to now not in the AO Adminguide.The standard compact design of AO in past looks like th...
We are using SSO via Win AD to logon to BO-Launchpad. Generally this is working which means for Launch Pad no manual log on is needed. But this is not working for users which have language specific letters in their AD name (e.g. öäüéèê...).What we h...
The access level “View” contains the right to send e-mail via launch pad in the standard configuration of BO. Due to this I think that “send to email” is an option which every user which is using launch pad should be able to use by design (which mean...
any news on that? What of the abovementioned parts of the bigger plan is already realized what is expected to come and when (even it is changes later maybe) but just a rough overview would be nice.
Best regards,
Hi, we are getting the following error when clicking on save in AO after selecting a folder in SAC:[617f-761d-7a] Could not get a valid SAC connection for INA_SAC Test / Dev_<our_sac_tenant>.eu10.hcs.cloud.sap_WB-01The funny thing is that everything ...
Hello Max,
That sounds good. I think a have to get used to the new approach. Up to now (e.g. with BPC embedded) planning providers are often created based in actual data providers and extended with some new fields like one or more version specific f...
Hello Max,one follow up question:SAC can access data which is stored in Datasphere in future via direct consumtion? Is this only valid for native Datasphere Designed Artefacts or also for data which is stored in bridge?Or is this working the other wa...