Hey, apparently, I am one of the "Top Authors, Journalists, and Publishers covering ABAP."Thank you random page on the internet, what an honour! ...and to answer the question: it's quite niece! What top list are you on?bestJoachimA screenshot from ...
Hey, is there a way to visualize my code changes from Eclipse/ADT local history?I would like a Plugin or something that shows me how my code evolved overt time (adding features, refactoring...).it also could give some statistics (lines of code, / per...
There seems to be a problem with the account merging (introduced her: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/03/15/happy-anniversary-sap-community-lets-merge-those-accounts/) :
Blogs are move fine, bit it seems to me like ALL Questions and ALL answers are LOST...
Just came across an old blog post (https://blogs.sap.com/2017/02/09/joachim-rees-member-of-the-month-february-2017/) and back then I said:"I know I asked two question at some early time, but they never got any answer, so with the move from SCN to SAP...
Last year, what never had seemed possible, was made possible:
Merging SAP Community accounts.
Earlier, there was the thing with SAP Universal ID , and afte...
Not important, but I am still courious about this!Context:>Fact: EWM VAS-Header, in client 100, you'd have to look at table /1OM/VASOVASH100 , and in in client 125 at you would have to look at /1OM/VASOVASH125 .>Question: Why was this modeled this wa...
Again, in 2025: A nice blog on how to use ABAP Debugger Script RSTPDA_SCRIPT_STATEMENT_TRACE , to spot the difference in seemingly different data flows! Thanks Joachim!
Hey Marko, @MarcoK thanks for your kind feedback!I do agree that this - commenting one owns blog / "patting my own shoulder" - seem a litte strange.But indeed, it's something I do:1. If it was a good read, be it helpful or entertaining, I will say so...