Our purchase department does not want to see purchasing groups in the value help (F4), that are no more in use. So I went to table T024, looked at value help for field EKGRP, which is H_T024. There I found function module ME_OBSOLETE_CUST_SHLP_EXIT w...
Yesterday AS ABAP 7.52 SP 01 Developer Edition was released, so I installed it this afternoon. And since I was asked if I blogged about it, I will do here.
Hardware requirements and other information about the installation in general can be found...
Hi, When I looked at followed activities in new SCN today, after clicking three times on "more" button at the bottom of the pages, I had the information that 3 blog entries were updated.One member updated her blog about 10 times, and each was posted ...
I searched SCN but did not find anything about adding new fields to ME1M output.So now, as I found out how to do it, I want to share it here.First you have to use users parameter ME_USE_GRID = 'X' to be able to change the layout of ME1M output.Then y...
Your code is full of obsolete commands.Goto developers.sap.com. There you'll find tutorials how to write ABAP today.e.g. https://developers.sap.com/group.abap-dev-repository-objects.html could be a good place to start.