For customers who have migrated to Talent Intelligence Hub (TIH), you'll notice a few changes in the LMS Administration Interface. I won't go over all of the changes, but one in particular caught my eye. When you search for Attributes, you can filt...
In this blog, we'll review some of the opportunities you have to make your LMS administrators lives easier when searching for entities in Learning Administration.
Let's get started with some high level options that are easily configured, low risk, ...
One of the areas where the default LMS Search Selectors lack, is in the capacity to easily view, search, and download what the parent category is. In any hierarchical data type, it is helpful to see the rollup\down of the data. In this blog, I'll ...
All to common a request is to allow your LMS admins to search for users based on email address. You'll notice that, in the default configuration, LMS admins are unable to search for users using an email address as a criteria, despite the fact that...
While I was conducting a workshop on implementing custom search selectors, one of the participants asked if it was possible to search for users where email address, for example, is NOT Empty? (you'll notice that the capacity to search on...
Hi - you wouldn't "surface" a Flow anywhere .. they are just background processes running and/or being called from the PowerApp. As for surfacing the PowerApp in Work Zone, you could get the direct URL of the App, and use that in a Web Content card ...
HiTry adjusting the following setting to true:System Administration >> Configuration > System Configuration >> SEARCH# This configuration is used to limit the end user's user search to users within an organization tree.# True: users may only search f...
Hi shubham_25 In LMS, QR codes are tied to individual users, not classes. Scanning the QR Code for a user marks attendance, but not completion/learning history. So unfortunately, this does not meet your requirements. You could potentially solve fo...
Try running the APM "Assignment Profiles Execute Updates" ... new custom columns are not available to assignment profiles until this job is run .. so maybe this is also true for reports?