Hi All,I couldn't find any blog or questions answered for this issue. So had to ask it myself.One of our clients have the latest S/4 HANA 2023 SP02 machine, and we run ATC with the variant S4HANA_READINESS_2023_NO_FLE in the same system (no remote). ...
Hi friends,
I tried to search but couldn't find any solution anywhere. Hope someone can suggest a way to achieve it.
I've extended a standard flexible workflow with various BAdIs like condition BAdI, Agent Determination BAdI, Decision actions BAd...
Hi All experts,
I searched a lot, but couldn't figure out a solution for this. Do you know if the following scenario is possible by any means (config, BAdI impl., or even (dirty) implicit enhancements)?
Our Flexible workflow has multiple steps, a...
Hi All,
From the PO BAdI, when I call this macro mmpur_remove_msg_by_context, I can use the field MEPOITEM-ID ( as in im_item->get_data( )-ID ) and a context as parameters.
However, when calling this macro from the PR BAdI ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST, I ...
Hi All,
We need to implement the BAdI ME_PROCESS_REQ_CUST as recommended in the SAP note 2618264.
Does anyone have an example code to implement the logic that the note says?
How can we change the message type of a standard message already ra...
@Adhil the email templates for approval and rejection, that you've given as /***/02000029_COMPLETE_NEGATIV/***/02000029_COMPLETE_POSITIVThere's an 'E' missing at the end of both. Flexible WF code has hard-coded checks for <WF_ID>_COMPLETE_POSITIVE an...
Hi Ambarish,Thanks for the blog. I've a question from a client project. The aATP configurations are all done in various Fiori apps in S/4 2023. However, we couldn't find any way to move (or transport) these configurations from the dev system to the q...
Hi Lisa,From your reply, it looks like a sloppy approach from SAP.Why is the sy-uname replaced by SAP_WFRT? When the actual approver's user ID is available in records, what's the fancy need to change it to a generic user? Why can't you just carry the...