Member since ‎2009 Nov 09

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I spent the better part of one hour yesterday talking to 2 different SAP sales reps who were very responsive but could not (yet) answer what looked like a simple question from a willing customer: Say that I have a database-backed website, running SQL...
I've been using SA since the Watcom days and never looked back. But once in a while I'll upgrade to a new EBF (for a reason), run some tests, so far so good, will then push the upgrade to the production server only to find out that without any appare...
A web application developed against and working fine in SA 11 is causing silent server crashes under version 12 (latest patch). Crashes can be traced back to a series of stored procedures used in SELECT statements, and joined (often using outer/cro... I'm coding a web-based application where a lot of selects typically go like this= select cols from work_table bt inner join this_user_table user1 on user1.col1 = bt.col1 inner join this_language_table l on l.col = bt.col2 ...
I'm managing a webapp project using Adobe Coldfusion 9.0.1 as the middleware and SA 11 ( as the database backend. The recently released Coldfusion 9 introduced Hibernate-based ORM. It can be configured to a 'SybaseAnywhere' dialect. We ...