Member since ‎2006 Aug 15

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Looking for ideas to integrate a GIT system into development cycle of MII web apps and/or MII java custom actions and/or ME java plugins. I am looking for a setup like developing an web-app locally with nginx/apache and pushing code changes to a g...
Hello,I have problems with the german umlauts, when i use the function "compare with" in eclipse.I connect me to the development system an display a source code. All is fine - all german umlauts in comments are shown correctly.The same situation, whe...
Hello,i found the article about editing text elements directly in eclipse via the quick assistent, by pressing CTRL+1 when cursor is positioned e.g. on text-001 statement.No i have the problem, that i have designed an selection screen with the releva...
Hello,today I have updated to the newest Eclipse-Version mars and technically all is going fine. For the new eclipse version i have generated a new workspace, that i can work with "old" version luna anymore.Is it possible to transfer my configured sy...
Hello,we are currently facing a problem when configuring a communication over WSRM in SOAMANAGER for outbound delivery bulk creation. The Service Interface OutboundDeliveryBulkCreateRequest_In in ERP ESR (EHP 606) will be shown in SOAMANAGER as Respo...