Common queries/issues/know-hows in Business Network for Logistics and their resolution/explanation.1. Technical IDs in APIs for Carrier IntegrationTechnical ID in Consumer API for SubcontractingTechnicalID in consumer API for SubcontractingTechnical ...
SAP Business Network Logistics - Freight Collaboration solution connects shippers and their logistics partners on a safe network for optimized collaboration and insights, integrated tightly with core business processes for efficiency resilience.SAP B...
IntroductionSAP Business Network for Logistics connects stakeholders across the logistics ecosystem for seamless digitalized collaboration and advanced insights. Logistics Network has a Business Partner persona termed as a Network Partner, which allo...
The PremiseSAP Business Network Asset Collaboration SAP Business Network Asset Collaboration (BNAC) is SaaS solution hosted on Business Technology Platform. Historically, we have seen SAP customers having specific processes or data, niche to their Bu...
Hi David,
Appreciate your feedback and great to hear that this is an area of focus for your organisation.
The solution can be made available on BTP. Feel free to reach out to us(, and we ca...
thomas.jung Thank you for the suggestion, after updating the package.json and make some edits to make sure it has the right node dependency to work with cds and adding model reference to - gen/csn./json, it worked like a charm. Needless to say, tha...
Since this is a custom built solution, it requires deploying the components on the target landscape to get started. Yes, you are right, requires installation, config of BRF+ etc. For details on how to get access to the solution please reach out to ra...