Member since ‎2008 May 24

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Resource location product was not processed because a corresponding resource location couldn't be found. (PRDID: HT-PFG ;LOCID: KYEC ;RESID: KYECTEST ;MSGID: 7049)Resource location product was not processed because a corresponding resource location c...
Resource location product was not processed because a corresponding resource location couldn't be found. (PRDID: HT-PFG ;LOCID: KYEC ;RESID: KYECTEST ;MSGID: 7049)Resource location product was not processed because a corresponding resource location c...
Hi GATP Experts,How can APO System check and give an alert that stock is not available in unrestricted use.RegardsHarsh
Hi ExpertsWe are facing issue that for Order 6001061205 Line Item 100 created 6 sub line items/headings and for this respective order:100,101,102,103,104,104,105,106PFA Screenshots for your reference. In what cases this kind of situation happens?Any ...
We have recently had cases where because of a subsequent quantity adjustment by Pick Denial or quantity correction by BOP only a partial quantity was delivered,The order quantity is set to the open remaining quantity. This blocks the formation of a n...