Hi Experts,
I have a weird issue in the execution of calculation view with input parameter which is mapped to derive its value from a procedure.
Background of the view :
We have BSEG table replicated in 2 different schema : SAPEPR and SAPEPR_CO...
Hi All,
I have been writing SAP HANA SQL Procedures for quite a bit for now and being experienced in ABAP i am always thinking if we need this feature or that in HANA SQL or not .
So here is my question:
1. We use lot of local tables in SQL sc...
Hi All,
I am using UTCTOLOCAL to convert UTC time to local time as per the timezone in a calculated column of a calculation view.
Below is the parameters the function support:
UTCTOLOCAL(time, timezone)
However , i wanted to pass the data ...
Hi All,
I am executing the below query and able to get the result successfully:
"REFERENCE_DATE" => '20200212',
"ERROR_HANDLING" => 'set to null',
Hi @ido.goren,
I am getting the below error when trying to access the SAP Web IDE Full Stack. Could you please help:
HTTP Status 503 - No application is available to handle this request
Name: Tanmay Verma (P1941418357)
ID: p1941418357trial
Hi Annu ,
as far as i remember changing qty was not supported. Hence , we were deleting the line item and creating again automatically with the new quantity. Please refer to use cases section for delete logic.
Hi Kiran,
Could you provide more info on the error. Since this blog is 5 year old , i gues if you are using S4H system there might be changes in standard code which might cause issue.
Also , did you look into the possibility of using the standar...
Hi Steen,You can use table DDLDEPENDENCY to search by specific key words.Also below reports might be useful.https://blogs.sap.com/2016/06/28/core-data-services-standard-utilities-reports/BR,Tanmay
Hi Kiran,I can see 2 workaround:1. Create the new view as a copy of exiting view and then change. Simple copy - paste will work here. This way you get the replica of 1st view and then you can change whatever is required.2. If you need to copy some no...