Please refer the blog which explains :How-to create Z - Document Type and Status Schema in the Fine-Tune and its determination in Ticket processing ::-Go to the Business Configuration work center ->Implementation Projects view.Select the current proj...
This blog gives overview on how Contract can be Invoice - base on 2 Use Cases and how it can be Completed - depends on 2 conditions .Customer Contract can be Invoice base on two use case .Invoice with reference to 'Customer Contract Invoice Request' ...
Hello ,1.You can create your own Custom Query to show ALL Registered Product , For example : Ticket ->Overview facet->Product section->Click value help of Serial Id field ->In the window 'Select Registered Product' ,click on the Advance Filter ->Remo...
Hello,PATH:BUSINESS CONFIGURATION > EDIT PROJECT SCOPE QUESTIONS > SERVICE > CUSTOMER CARE > SERVICE RERQUEST MANAGEMENT1. In what business scenario, this scoping question makes sense?If you want to assign an unassigned ticket to the logged in user w...
Hello Deborah, @DAcker ***One Additional Observation :-1) If I compare your two screenshots from Ticket's Interaction facet .- Screenshot, where 'Copy to New Ticket' option is missing looks to be Outbound email and so is not available.-Whereas for ot...
Hello Deborah,1.Go to Library work center ->Attachment view -> All Attachment ->Advance filter2.Filter with Ticket as Object and it's ID, click on Go button.=>From the list of attachment available for the ticket, select an attachment and click on the...
Hello,You can follow the below step via C4C UI :-1.Go to Library work center ->Attachment view ->All ->Go to Advance filter2.Search with Object type as 'Ticket' and Object Id (Ticket Id).=>You will be able to see different attachment types within thi...