*This article is a continuation of Part 2. Here is part 1.4.Creating the logic for the Execute Workflow buttonNow that we have completed the logic to create a folder and upload files to DMS, we will create the logic to start the SAP Build Process Aut...
*This article is a continuation of Part 1.2. Creating SAP Build Apps sideFirst, set two variables as Application Variables.FolderId and FolderName. Create these two in text type. There is no problem with using Page Variable instead of Application Var...
I often get asked, "Can I use SAP Build Apps to upload files to the SAP Document Management Service and use them in SAP Build Process Automation processes?"Although this is not impossible, there was a problem with uploading files from SAP Build Apps ...
※この記事はその2からの続き物です。その1はこちら。その2まででDMSへフォルダを作成し、ファイルのアップロードを行うロジックが完成しましたので、今度はこのSAP Build AppsのアプリケーションからSAP Build Process Automationのプロセスを起動するロジックを作成します。アップロードしたファイル(フォルダ)の情報を付けて起動しますのでSAP Build Process Automation上でこのファイルの参照が出来るようになります。基本的な方法は以前解説した方法...
Hi padma,Please try ... (I'm not tested)- define document folder type variable as custom variable.- set ""spa-res:cmis:folderid:" + folderId" value to above custom variable on script task.Regards,Naoto
Hi Dan,>Is there a reason to create a separate destination for build apps as opposed to the one you use for process automation? I just find there are so many destinations that I try to combine them when possible.How to create the destination of "sap_...
This would probably work well if it were registered and called in the SAP Work zone (standard or advance)like this https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/workzone-build-6-sales-app.html