Member since ‎2011 Oct 26

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  • 101 Posts
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unloaded SA 11 database created SA 16 database using Sybase Central ran the reload script on the SA 16 when i try to start a mobilink client i get this error: The database version is not compatible with this version of dbmlsync. You must upgrade your...
I know this does NOT fall under the SOLMAN tag. I had to pick something to submit the question. I have a PB app that creates files. The files have to be FTP'd to server outside of the firewall. If I step through the app with the PB debugger, the f...
We use third party software to create apps for Android and iOS using the (SA 12) Ultralite db and (SA 16) Mobilink. The vendor THINKS SAP is going to drop Ultralite, hence, they don't want to spend the time updating their software to create 64-bit a...
We have a customer that wants to have an up to date reporting database. The reporting database will be on a separate server than the production database. It seems our 2 choices are to schedule a Mobilink sync every x (1 - 5) minutes or to use repli...
I upgraded a customer from SA 11 to SA 16 (Build 1761). Same server, Win 2008 SP2, Xeon processor. The server has been re-booted after the install. I modified the Mobilink configuration to: -v+ -vh -c "dsn=vs16;uid=dba;pwd=sql" -x tcpip(port=2439) ...