For S/4Hana Cloud, public edition, where can I find the Asset Transaction type values needed for the Source data for Fixed asset - Postings.xml in the migration cockpit?
I have not found any detail of the values available, nor in the migratio...
In the professional services industry, fixed-price contracts are one of the most used project types.
A fixed-price contract has a project structure where the client is billed a fixed amount of money, independently of the effort invested to deliver t...
Is there a workflow to approve a payment proposal in Manage automatic payment app in S/4Hana Public Cloud ?
I need to separate who creates the payment proposal from who release the payment proposal before the payment is posted.If a workflow doesn't...
In S/4Hana Cloud, you cannot substitute the profit center in Manage substitutions for Market Segment context when it comes informed in the original document (for example SO and related docs). This is why the overwrite flag is set. But the field is st...
Hi borja82 You cannot delete the WBS element as it has dependent objects assignedto it, such as networks, network activities, orders, purchaser requisitions, or purchase orders.Regards,Javier del Peso
Hi EliDm It's not possible to do the distribution by cost centers, so you will need to assign a default cost center to that GL account.I don't think that via custom logic you can do the distribution neither, as you will not be able to add line items ...
Hi amarmodanwalRITA is the S/4Hana Public Cloud solution for the ECC Plant Abroad. See the help on RITARegistration for Indirect Taxation Abroad (RITA) | SAP Help PortalYou can see in the How to Videos Part 2, the configuration (it might be different...