Co-authored by Klaus KistnerSolution Business Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud enables you to sell bundled solutions combining products, services, subscriptions, long-term services, and projects to become a one-stopshop to solve complete customer prob...
With SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2402.3, it is possible to create preconfigured bundle and add them to solution orders. After you have entered a product as a bundle item, the system creates subitems of the bundle item according to the BOM (bill of material) of...
This blog is for the Detailed Analysis Page (DAP) accessed by clicking on the Incomplete Service Orders card in the Service Management Overview app. It is called Service Orders Analysis (F3971).
Service Orders Analysis – An Overview
The first version...
This blog is for the Detailed Analysis Page (DAP) accessed by clicking on the 'Overdue Service Orders' card in the Service Management Overview app. It is called Overdue Service Orders Analysis(F4166).
Overdue Service Orders Analysis - an Overview
About Service Management Overview:
Analytics in S/4HANA Service Management (cloud) has seen deliveries starting with 1902. With 1905, the app of Service Management Overview(F3607) was delivered. This app provides a single page for reviewing important...
Dear Nimmi,Please have a look at this page: check with an adminstrator user of the test system you are working in - if he/she has ...
Dear Nimmi,If the role is not available, please try adding this catalog to one of the roles. which is assigned to the user making these adaptations. You can create a custom role with just this catalog and assign it to the user as an alternative.Best...
hi Yoav,
For the question here, for now, you would need to have a look at the iI_ServiceDocumentItemEnhcd to get the entries of items which have been renewed, the parent item(ParentServiceDocumentItemUUID) will have value of the item which has been...