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VS code ui5 generator

0 Kudos

Hi all, I am getting started with UI5 in VS code. I used Fiori: Open Application Generator to create a project from a template, I selected SAPUI5 freestyle-> SAPUI5 Application->Data source None, view name and finish.

Now just to check, I ran the application. I saw the following.

And when I pressed the SAP logo, It redirected me to this page.

I wanted to create a clean Application. How do I remove the Sample Applications and have only My app?

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Hi Charan,

If you are using VS Code then I'm assuming you are using UI5 tooling package and Yo generator. After you create freestyle project you should run the application as index.html. What you must be doing rigth now is running with on sandbox fiori launchpad. Use: -

ui5 serve 

To run the server.

0 Kudos

Thank you for you comment. It worked, Can you please explain whats the difference between ui5 serve vs Run->run without debugging in VS code? why the results are very different?

0 Kudos

Hi bigeye06

The ui5 serve command is a command-line tool that is part of the SAP UI5 development tools. It allows you to run an SAP UI5 application on a local development server, which can be accessed in a web browser. The ui5 serve command can be used to run SAP UI5 applications in development or production environments, and it can be configured with various options and parameters to customize the development server.

On the other hand, the "Run > Run Without Debugging" option in VS Code is a feature that is specific to the VS Code debugger. It allows you to run an application without enabling debugging, which can be useful for quickly testing code changes or running the application in a production environment.

The results of using ui5 serve and "Run > Run Without Debugging" can be very different depending on the configuration and environment in which the application is running. For example, if you are using ui5 serve to run an SAP UI5 application in a development environment, the development server might provide additional features and services, such as hot reloading or mock data, that are not available when running the application with the VS Code debugger.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Charan,
How did you start your preview, and what kind of project do you have? There are some differences between CAP and non CAP projects. Please follow the documentation.
If you then still see an empty screen you should check the console.log: there might be authorization issues when retrieving data or metadata from your data source.