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Spacing between multiple form groups inside an object page layout

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I am trying to set a simple form (with two groups) inside a block from an object page layout subsection. I am using ColumnLayout as layout of the form. Inside the first group the fields are being placed side by side with correct spacing. However, the second group in almost glued to the fields of the first one. No spacing is being applied at all (objectpagelayout-simpleform-spacingproblem.png). When I place my view outside the object page layout, in a page, for instance, this problem does not occur. So it is some issue specific to object page layout. I've already tried a set of configurations but I could not fix this. Any hints?

Here is how my fragment starts:

<form:SimpleForm editable="true" layout="ColumnLayout" columnsL="3" columnsM="2"> <form:content> <core:Title id="titleInformacoesGerais" text="{i18n>informacoesGerais}"/> <Label id="labelClasseServico" text="{i18n>classeServico}" labelFor="textClasseServico"/> <Select id="comboBoxClasseServico" selectedKey="{servico>ClasseServico}">

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