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SAP User classification (abap system)

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Dear Experts,

I have a doubt, while doing user classification(USMM & SLAW) i have some user type as system now if i go to their license tab then i found no license is assigned to them. Since i need to be in governance & compliance also so if i assign then them license as test then do i need to fear about anything. Do sap charges for users which are assigned license as test or not.

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Hi pnagar,

In License-Audit, the dialogue users total count only considers. So, converting user classification to test, would mean that user has to some other License type assigned in QA or Dev or whichever system you have. User type classified as Test are not considered in the License calculation, but as I mentioned earlier, say for example the User with DevAccess key that user in Prod is not doing any development, so that user in Prod can be LicenseType as Test & classified as Developer License type in the Development system

Any lack of information in the consolidated report sent to SAP, you would get reply/communication to provide the other systems data. The issue is when Organisations have multiple-GUI-login enabled for their users & they they cross the agreed license data Usage, otherwise its fine



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SAP will not change any thing in your system, during the license auditing time you may contact you local SAP account manager to get the details to reassign the license type.

