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Remote Server Connections between two SQL Anywhere servers


I'm running two sibling SQL Anywhere 16 database servers, each one having a remote server connection to its 'sibling', in order to gain access to live data being entered in the sister company. When looking at all the remote connections on either server, there is no way to identify the source of the remote connection on this server coming from the other server.

Is there a way to create those remote connections using a parameter which will allow me to know its source?

Also, I am using an ODBC connection between the two servers, only because I'm most familiar with them. I could theoretically change that...

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You can use add the CON connection parameter to the USING clause within the CREATE SERVER or ALTER SERVER statements, for details see this similar FAQ.

E.g. something like the following on the first server (and vice versa for the other one):

USING 'DRIVER=SQL Anywhere Native;DSN=RemoteDS;CON=Sibling1';

As the cited FAQ explains, you can also use variables within the USING clause.