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QUORUM blockchain


I'm an enthusiast about Blockchain + SAP.

I have read a lot, and I participated in the SAP Innovation Marathon edition 2017 where I proposed the idea of integrating Blockchain, Leonardo, and SAP Big Data...

Beyond this, I follow every SAP publication on these topics, also in my mother language (Spanish). SAP has published this article on its website in Latin America: where it explains that he has launched Quorum -Ethereum, and links to the help site:

My surprise, the site requires login. OK, I logged in, and ...

Sorry: You do not have permission to view this product page.

Whaaaaaaaaaaat ... WHY !?

Please WHY put a link if the readers can not read it !!!

Can someone give me official documentation about QUORUM or a link to read about it? What level of authorization do I need to access this information?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Hi Osvaldo! Quorum is now officially available on SAP Cloud Platform and you can start using it.
You can read this blog post on how to get started: SAP Cloud Platform now supports Quorum in addition to Hyperledger Fabric and MultiChain

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

Hello Osvaldo,

thanks for your question. Quorum on SAP Cloud Platform will be released later this year. It is not available yet.




Ok. It's great that is not available yet.

Can you or someone notify the editorial team of the publications they make on official SAP sites? It seems that the author of that note does not understand that the product is not yet available, and is passing links that can not be read by the public.

Former Member

icymi, the service is not available in the cloud yet (or at least i can't find it in my trial account): but if one really, really wants to find out more about quorum, there are many years of github contributions here: with the arguably earliest commit going back to 2013: in the meantime, i'm sure, help is on the way.

cheers, gm

0 Kudos

Thank you very much GM.

Great info.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Osvaldo, 4 blockchain services are now available on SCP, and i was testing quorum earlier this year. however, i couldn't place the quorum tile into my space recently any more, but have been quite happy with others, so maybe you could try some of them.

thx, gm

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi alexander.gehres ,

can you please take a look at this ?



Hi Ervin,

I forwarded it to my quorum colleagues.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

It's a top secret site 🙂 I am also unable to see it:

"You don't have permission to view this product page."