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Prevent embedded (true type) font in sap script

0 Kudos

Hi all,

I generated a PDF out of a SAP script (Z-version of F110_DD_PRENOTIF), which file size was about 850 KB.

Looking at the properties of the PDF, I noticed that the fonts Arial and Arial bold were embedded.

So I changed the font family in SE71 in the basic settings of the SAP script from Z-Arial font to HELVE.

As a result I got a PDF of about 450 KB, still embedding Arial, see screenshot:

I need to reduce the file size further. Regarding some SAP notes (e.g. 201307) the file size would shrink if there are no more embedded true type fonts embedded in the PDF.

But in SE71 I already put font family HELVE in every paragraph and character format - the PDF is still embedding Arial.

Is this a bug?

Can I force SAP to not embed Arial?

Looking forward for your help!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

OK, I got the solution by myself:

Somewhere in my formular I included a style which still used Arial.

So I changed Arial to Helve in this style in transaction SE72.

That reduced the file size of my PDF from about 450 KB to not even 15 KB!

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