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No tax code dropdown in VIM

0 Kudos

Hey all,

In VIM, I am not available to see the tax codes in the dropdown in "Basic data" when trying to process an Vendor Invoice. In Sandbox I am able to see it, but in our development system I am not possible to see it.

I have went through FTXP to see that tax codes are maintained which they are. I can't really find the solution.

Can you guys help me?

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi orbeg1,

I do not have the experience with VIM and am not sure how much it re-uses standard SAP configurations. But I recall that on one of my project I did configurations for the visibility of tax codes in the transaction OBZT and it had some adverse effect on the VIM. Could you please the settings for your country in OBZT ? Maybe they limit the display of tax codes. Otherwise, you'll have to check the settings which are specific for VIM.

Here is a post I published on this topic earlier.

