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Data preview in intermediate node in HANA Graphical calc view


Hi Experts,

Is there any way to view the data from the intermediate node of the HANA Graphical calc view.

I have a requirement that I want to write a dynamic select statement for the intermediate nodes based on the data/Condition.

Let's say If Col1='A' then I want to write the select query for intermediate node 'Node1' else 'Node2'.

Thanks in Advance.

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Hi Ranjit,

If found the solution for this, then can you please share here. I am also having same requirement.



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Actually I'm not really sure of what you want achieve, but from my understanding you want to get different dataset depending on the value from specific column.

In my simple example, I generated two projections from single node and proper add filters - in this case for NODE1: COLUMN1 = 'A' and for NODE2: COLUMN1 !='A'.

At the end you need to add union node to map both datasets

Based on that example you can adjust the model according to your requirements.

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Hi Konrad Załęski

Thanks for your valuable reply.

Sorry, I think the way I explained my problem statement is confused you.

I will explain the problem statement for your example.

Let's say the view name is CALC_VIEW1. Once I activated the view, I can do

select * from "_SYS_BIC"."pkg1/CALC_VIEW1".

But if I want to view the data from the intermediate node "NODE1", I need to go to the view and manually do the data preview of that node [NODE1].

It will work in this way and I will get the select statement (select * from "_SYS_BIC"."pkg1/CALC_VIEW1/dp/NODE1") and

from the next time I can use this select statement (Till the time I logoff from the HANA).

If I execute the select statement after logoff and logging in, The same select statement is not working. I have to repeat the above step.

Actually I want to avoid this manual interruption of doing the data preview of the intermediate node for the first time.


Ranjith K