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SAPScript: Formatting INCLUDE Texts without TDFORMAT

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I am using the following command to include a text in a SAPSCRIPT form (MEDRUCK copy)


YT is a new Paragraph I created to format and set the limits of Left and Right margins.

This works well, but we found some texts that does not have the TDFORMAT filled. And looks like for this reason the long text does not get formatted as desired in the PARAGRAPH YT

How to make this text to accept the PARAGRAPH format?

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You can use WRITE_FORM_LINES FM in your print(calling) program.

  1. Use READ_TEXT to read the lines and modify the TDFORMAT with 'YT'.
  2. Call WRITE_FORM_LINES by passing your table LINES.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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I can't modify these texts as they are stored in a PO.

But I have found a solution that is to print a blank line with the paragraph YT just before the INCLUDE clause.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor

The PARAGRAPH clause is only operational on paragraphs that have a '*' format. Personally I would write a short program using READ_TEXT to scan the texts and identify possible candidates where the paragraph type for the first line is blank and output the text name. Then I would modify these texts.

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Dear All,

I have a just question below, ( script to excel )

i used SAP Script to recode for my work, but i have a problem , exp : i want to input box ” other informaiton ” is “VN-…” for frist ( before input , it is empty ) , below is after i input it, i want ask next time i run script in this matertial ,plant,batch and input ox ” other informaiton ” is “VN-…” but is was there before , so i want it to notify that “error” in msgbox

session.findById(“wnd[0]/usr/subSUBSCR_BATCH_MASTER:SAPLCHRG:1111/subSUBSCR_HEADER:SAPLCHRG:1500/ctxtDFBATCH-MATNR”).Text = Range(“A10”).Value ‘Range(“A10″).Value=”VN-20140-16”

End Sub